Reminder that if students have plans for after school, all arrangements need to be made before they come to school and the student needs a note from home. If their plans involve going to another student's home, that student needs a note from home as well. Students will not be allowed to board a bus without having a note from home and turned into the office so that a bus note can be prepared.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
A few reminders as we start into the second semester: Students are to arrive at school by 7:15. Classes start at 7:20 and if students are not seated in class ready for instruction to begin at 7:20, they can be counted tardy. Also, teachers who do morning duty need to leave their assigned stations at 7:15 to report to their classrooms. This can cause serious safety concerns for students arriving after this time. Students have been arriving later and later as the year goes on. Also, parent and doctors' notes are supposed to be provided to the school within 3 school days of absences in order for those to be excused. Many parents provided notes at the end of the grading period expecting absences to be excused for their children so they could attend the PBIS reward. This will not be allowed at the end of the 3rd and 4th nine weeks. If notes are not provided in a timely fashion, absences will not be excused.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
On Wednesday, January 18th, East Fairmont Middle will take their 8th grade students to the Marion County Tech Center to explore the various class options that are available to Marion County students during their high school career at the Tech Center location. Students will be assigned to either a morning tour or an afternoon tour. Students will come to school as normal and leave school as normal. Students will ride a Marion County School Bus to and from the Tech Center. Students will eat lunch at school but if they are attending the afternoon session then they will eat lunch earlier in the day than normal. All school rules apply while on the field trip. Students will not be allowed to take book bags or phones with them to the tech center. These items will need to be locked in their lockers while on the trip. Any misbehavior while on the trip will result in disciplinary action. All 8th graders will attend the tour unless the form sent home is completed and returned to the school by Tuesday, January 17th. Thank you and please email me at if you should have any questions. You may also use the email option to opt out of your child attending. Thanks, Heather Snodgass Assistant Principal.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Representatives from every grade level at every middle school in Marion County gathered tonight at our Central Office to discuss education at the middle school level from the student perspective with Superintendent Donna Hage. Our representatives were Ellie Current, Colin Roberts, Ty Hutson, Mackenzie Shupe, Annaleigh Pollastrini, Kaiden Barr, and Kasey Rogers. Kasey and Kaiden were also chosen to serve as facilitators for this meeting.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Tom Garrett presented to the 5th graders last Thursday about his time serving in Vietnam in honor of Veterans' Day. The students then had to interview a veteran over the weekend, so this activity was meant to engage their interest about what a veteran has done. It was a special day in Mrs. Brown's classroom!
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
There has been a menu change for today. Today’s two options will be burrito and a grilled chicken salad.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Mrs. Bland and Ms. Golson's 6th grade science students had a chance to learn more about the lunar cycle with Mrs. Suter in the star lab from Nasa IV & V Resource Center. They even found out about the phenomenon where things may get a little "lun"ey during full moon, the middle of the lunar cycle.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Boys Basketball Tryouts will be this coming week. Boys Basketball Tryouts: Monday, Nov 7th, and Wednesday, Nov 9th 8th grade - 2:45 - 4:15 6th and 7th grade - 4:15 - 5:30 Tuesday, Nov 8th, no practice due to Election Day.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
If you child has been sick and had to miss school, please send in a doctor's note so that the day can be excused. If you did not take your child to the doctor, you may write a parent note or fill out an online form at We can only excuse five days a semester with a parent note or one of these electronic forms though, so doctor's notes are always better. Please send these notes with your student and ask them to turn them into the office or their first period teacher. We CANNOT excuse days without written verification. Also, in middle school, it is your child's responsibility to get their make-up work. Many teachers are posting work to their google classrooms so students can get it from there, the student or the parent can message the teacher through livegrades, or the student can speak with their teachers upon returning and ask for make-up work.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Students in Mrs. Pill’s Science classes are learning about the structure of DNA by making beaded DNA models. The letters on the beads help students learn the base pairs.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Picture retake day is Thursday, November 3rd. Students who would like a retake must bring their original portrait packet to the camera and return it to the photographer, and students who missed picture day back in September will just come up and get their photo taken.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
8th grade students in Mrs Romberger’s ELA classes completed their Outsiders body biography projects!
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
There is only about half an hour left to pick up the fundraising cookie dough orders in our cafeteria and there are still several orders left!
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Cookie Dough fundraiser items were delivered today. Parents can pick up their items today between 3:00 and 7:30.
over 1 year ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Students in Ms. Golson's science class GLOW. The scientist review gravity's role in the universe by having a glow day. Learning is easy when it's fun!
almost 2 years ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
glow day
glow day
glow day
glow day
Tomorrow is wear red day for Red Ribbon Week! Be sure to wear your best red outfits to bring awareness to staying drug free!
almost 2 years ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
East Fairmont Middle 7th and 8th grade Stem members continued their adventures in Charleston by enjoying a visit to the State Capitol and took the opportunity for another group photo op.
almost 2 years ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Congratulations to our Stem Club teams that competed in the Capitol City Pumpkin Drop today. We sent three teams to compete and two of our teams placed first and second.
almost 2 years ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
pumpkin drop
pumpkin drop
pumpkin drop
pumpkin drop
Mrs. B (one of our counselors) had class with the fifth graders today and taught the importance of establishing and respecting boundaries so that we can avoid any unnecessary touching.
almost 2 years ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass
Our 7th and 8th grade STEM students are competing in the Capitol City Pumpkin Drop today at 9 am in Charleston. Below is a link to watch the activities. Good luck to our students!
almost 2 years ago, Assistant Principal Snodgrass