Sorry for the inconvenience. We realized that not all the popcorn has been delivered. If you would like to stop in to see if your is here, you are welcome to. We will send out another message letting you know when it is all here.
5 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Thank you for supporting Blackshere Elementary's Popalicious Popcorn fundraiser. The popcorn has arrived. You may pick up today and Thursday between the hours of 7 am to 3 pm.
5 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere's Yearbook sales end on April 8, 2024. To order online please go to and enter code: 81873M to place your order.
6 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere Elementary's Afterschool program will be cancelled for tomorrow 2/27/24. Please have a note for the teacher telling them how your student is getting home.
7 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere Families: We will not have afterschool this Friday 12/15/23.
9 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Good Morning this is a message from Blackshere Elementary. We are excited to announce a new drug prevention program called "Game Changer" that will be implemented soon in our elementary school. To ensure the success of this program, we kindly request your support and cooperation. Please take a minute to complete this anonymous online survey from the Game Changer non-profit organization. Click here to complete the survey We look forward to working together as a community to create a safer and healthier environment for our children.
10 months ago, Lisa Henline
There will be no Afterschool Program at Blackshere Elementary October 31st due to Mannington's Trick-or-Treat. Please send a note in to the homeroom teacher telling them if they are to ride the bus or be a walker.
11 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere would like to thank everyone for adjusting to the new procedures. Just a friendly reminder: Drop off and dismissal procedures. We dismiss students to their classrooms at 7:35am. Students who arrive past 7:35am need to be signed in by a parent or guardian. Please send notes about changes with dismissal with your child in the morning. If there is a change in their normal routine, please try to call the school by noon to adjust. We understand emergencies will happen. Effective October 24, 2023, students will not be called down for dismissal during the last 15 minutes of the scheduled school day. If you need to pick your child up early, please arrive prior to 2pm. Thanks, Mrs. Henline
11 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
There will be no Afterschool Program at Blackshere Elementary October 26th due to Trunk or Treat at Blackshere. Please send a note in to the homeroom teacher telling them if they are to ride the bus or be a walker.
11 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Good Afternoon students who ride Bus 26 and Bus 8 may be arriving late today due to an accident that occurred shutting down the road to Whetstone. Buses will need to use an alternative route which will delay students getting home. Thank you for your patience. Mrs. Henline
11 months ago, Lisa Henline
There will be no Afterschool Program at Blackshere Elementary October 20th due to Professional Learning Day. Please send a note in to the homeroom teacher telling them if they are to ride the bus or be a walker.
11 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere Families: A paper was sent home earlier this week about our school fundraiser. We are conducting a Fun Run Fundraiser. Our goal is to raise money for student reward days. We are doing this so that you don’t have to pay for your child’s reward. The opening date for this fundraiser was October 9th. You have until October 26th to collect donations. It’s pretty simple, just register online at MYBOOSTER.COM, share a link to friends and family and that’s it. You don’t have to go door to door asking for donations, it’s all done online. There are prizes and rewards for student and whole class participation. Please go online to to register and share.
11 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere's Fall picture retake day is Thursday, October 26, 2023 and is quickly approaching! Ordering online is quick and easy. Go to and use order code 80617RT.
11 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere Elementary is proud to support The Marion County Christmas Toy Shop. We are now accepting donations for this event. For every $1.00 donated, the students will get a paper stocking to color. We would like to fill our halls with these colorful stockings. Donations will be accepted till Thursday November 2, 2023.
11 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Sign ups for Basketball will be October 16th from 6 pm to 7 pm at Blackshere cafeteria. This is for K-3 grade boys and girls and 4th grade boys only.
12 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
There will be no Afterschool Program at Blackshere Elementary October 5th due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Please send a note in to the homeroom teacher telling them if they are to ride the bus or be a walker.
12 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Friday, September 29th is the last day for the Blackshere PTO Apparel orders. Please make sure your order form and money is turned into homeroom teachers by the end of the day.
12 months ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere Families, our 21st Century afterschool program is about to begin. This year there will be buses that will run if transportation is needed. If you are interested in signing up your Kindergarten through 4th graders, please send their classroom teacher a note for an application.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere's Celebrating Grandparents is the week of September 11 thru the 15th. If you have signed up to eat a lunch with the children you can bring $4.50 to school the day of the lunch your attending or you can go online and pay. The link is
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Toothman
Blackshere Elementary's confidentiality training will take place Thursday, September 7th, 2023 at 5:30 pm in the library.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Toothman